14 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba

RoseMarie Terenzio: Fairy Tale

RoseMarie Terenzio John F Kennedy Jr ile,  1994 yılından itibaren, ölümüne kadar(1999)  çalıştı. O Kennedy'nin yönetici asistanıydı ve ona hayır ve basın işlerinde nezaret ediyordu. 1999 yılında Kennedy'nin uçak kazasından ölmesinden sonra, CAroline Kennedy ile John F.Kennedy Jr’un miras paylaşımı için çalıştı. Rosemarie, aynı zamanda Başkan Yardımcısı Al Gore'un başkanlık kampanyası için ünlülerle sosyal yardımlaşma görevini ele alınmıştır. Yetenek yönetimi ve Halkla İlişkiler Şirketi olan RMT  Şirketinin kurucusu olarak, Rosemarie, eğlence, siyaset, moda, ve yayıncılık sektörlerinden müşteriler temsil etmektedir. O aynı zamanda John F. Kennedy, Jr tarafından 1998’de kurulan ve kar amacı gütmeyen bir organizasyon olan Reaching Up’ta Kadınlar Projesi ve danışma kurulu üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır. 

Anı tarzında yazılmış bu eserde Rosemarie Terenzio  John Kennedy Jr. İle onun zamansız ölümüne kadar geçen kısacık ama dolu dolu geçirdiği 5 koca yılı anlatır

Publishers Weekly (November 21, 2011)

Talking back to John F. Kennedy Jr. was not anything Rose-Marie Terenzio, a girl from the Bronx, ever imagined herself doing. Nevertheless, this is how her relationship with Kennedy began.  And in this candid memoir, Terenzio discusses the professional and personal role she played in the lives of JFK Jr. and his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. Wanting relief from the economic stress of her childhood, Terenzio felt lucky when she landed a job as a junior-level publicist with an upscale Manhattan public relations firm; then Kennedy moved into the same office. When Kennedy left to start a magazine, Terenzio became his personal assistant.  In September 1995, Kennedy launched the political magazine, George. Terenzio writes, “I hadn’t even turned thirty yet and I was working with JFK Jr. at the most intriguing magazine in the country, in what seemed like the absolute center of the universe.”  Terenzio deftly reconstructs the wonderfully addictive yet strange and high-pressure world in which she worked and that the young couple navigated daily.  Terenzio’s captivating story, told with style and grace, chronicles her time with Kennedy within the glorious but often brutal bubble that encircled his world, and what he taught her about living.   
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RoseMarie Terenzio
RoseMarie Terenzio worked with John F. Kennedy, Jr. from 1994 until his death in 1999. She was Kennedy’s executive assistant and oversaw his press and philanthropic causes. After Kennedy’s death in 1999, she worked with Caroline Kennedy on resolving John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s estate. RoseMarie also handled celebrity outreach for Vice President Al Gore’s presidential campaign. As the founder of RMT PR Management, a public relations and talent management firm, RoseMarie represents clients in the entertainment, politics, fashion, and publishing industries. She also serves on the board of Reaching Up, a non-profit organization founded by John F. Kennedy, Jr. in 1998 and as an advisory board member at Women’s Project and Productions.

Fairy Tale Interrupted
Gallery, January 2012.  North American.                                                       Manuscript available.

For five years, RoseMarie Terenzio assisted John Kennedy, Jr., until his untimely death. In her memoir, RoseMarie recounts the unlikely friendship between a blue-collar girl from the Bronx and John F. Kennedy, Jr. in a funny, moving, fresh, and unique account by the woman who was with him through dating, politics, the paparazzi, and his marriage to Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. The book traces RoseMarie‘s journey from John‘s unimpressed assistant to one of his closest confidants. Readers of this heartfelt, insightful memoir will not only see the life of a woman following her dream, but will be granted a rare inside look at life as a Kennedy.

“Terenzio deftly reconstructs the wonderfully addictive yet strange and high-pressure world in which she worked and that the young couple navigated daily.  Terenzio’s captivating story, told with style and grace, chronicles her time with Kennedy within the glorious but often brutal bubble that encircled his world, and what he taught her about living.”—Publishers Weekly 
“[An] entertaining memoir [and] a fitting tribute to a unique boss.”—Kirkus Reviews

“Few have known him as well as this woman.”
—Diane Sawyer, Peabody Award-winning anchor of ABC World News

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